For the management of their factory, the company Razès Hybrides choose the ERP iGus and its procedural companion myGus

To meet the needs of Razès Hybrides, all the functionalities of the ERP iGus have been implemented: reception, storage, quality, manufacturing orders, certification, shipments and payments. But new functionalities have also been added:
  • Harvest notes, pallet sheets,
  • List of tippers for drying,
  • Improvement of micro-process management,
  • Status: calibration plan proposal,
  • Bagging instructions and bagging instructions sheet,
  • Sample delivery and sample delivery notes.
As for myGus, it has taken position in the reception cabin as well as in the sorting and shelling units, where 6 different procedures have been implemented:
  • Tipper / initial reception association by the drivers,
  • Emptying of tipper into the sorting pit, while securing basic seeds / commercial seeds,
  • Reception for drying,
  • Drying,
  • Reception for shelling,
  • Emptying tipper into the shelling pit, while securing basic seeds / commercial seeds.