With the Cartography application, you can generate your production plans from an interactive map combining data from Google Maps with data present in the iGus ERP.

On the map, you can, at a glance, differentiate the cadastral plots from the different types of surfaces: cultivable, non-cultivable, cultivated or reserved for cultivating certain varieties. And you have access to management information relating to each plot or each identified area.

You can visualize, simultaneously, the isolation zones, the pollination perimeters as well as certain surrounding elements, such as obstacles that can impact the pollination of crops.

You can easily and quickly locate the most suitable available areas, and distribute the plots as best as possible, in accordance with very strict specifications for isolation and crop rotation.

Cartography: general overview

A real strategic tool for an optimal distribution of agricultural parcels

The Cartography application combines data from Google Maps with data present in the iGus ERP. Thus, your reading of the card is documented. And you can refine it based on criteria you define. 

With the Cartography application, you can:

  • View all the rotations made on a parcel.
  • Group crops geographically, by variety belonging to the same species, as for the propagation of corn seeds.
  • Ensure the isolation of parcels so that they are not contaminated with unwanted pollen. 

The plots are grouped by color. Thus, the various areas can be spotted very easily. And the intruders detonate, immediately!

It is possible to display the pollination perimeter of each surface. And you control whether contractual isolation distances are respected, for example between different varieties of the same species. These distances vary according to the productions and are configured in a personalized way: Cartography adapts, whatever the perimeters required in the specifications.

Cartography: overview of the pollination zone of a cultivated area

You can also manage obstacles that can affect crop pollination. They can be natural (forests, rivers, etc.) or artificial (dikes, high buildings, etc.). They can be represented on the map or you can add them. And the same goes for all types of data: you can define it on the fly, at will. The resolution can reach 1: 250 (i.e. 1 cm for 2,5 m), which greatly exceeds the best resolution of IGN (the Scan 25, at 1: 25000, i.e. 1 cm for 250 m).

The ability to perform meticulous and exhaustive production monitoring

With Cartography, you have access to a lot of data about propagators, their identities and the contractual information associated with them.

The growing areas are mapped. They integrate several notions:

  • The physical parcels, which are similar to those of the land register.
  • The programmed surfaces, which reflect the production plan in iGus; they may have been obtained by grouping and / or by cutting up physical plots.
  • Batches resulting from crop incidents, such as hail or disease.
  • Barriers and other environmental elements.

The equipment and means used by each farm are presented in a detailed list.

With Cartography, you can follow the productions in a global way, from the inspection of the crops to the final evaluation of the production. This monitoring includes official regulatory controls (inspection data, observations, etc.) and yield forecasts for each plot.

The level of detail of the application is as important as that provided by iGus. However, the notion of a production plan is even finer: you focus on the current campaign and the cultivated species, but you can view the history of the plots at any time.

Finally, the functionalities of its core are multiple: the varietal and genetic base, production orders, propagation offers, monitoring of planning, generation of propagation contracts, monitoring of the harvest. They are added to those already present in iGus: the calculation of the quantities to be distributed in TVK, the management of deliveries, the multi-year traceability of the batches, the interface with official certification bodies (such as the official seed control and certification agency in France). 

Cartography: visualization of surfaces on the interactive map

Fast, easy and flexible to use

The map benefits from Google Maps data and updates. And with StreetView, you can explore places virtually as if you were there. 

With Cartography, you do not have to be an ace of geometry! You draw your surfaces with the help of a mouse, quite simply. And the application calculates the area, automatically, regardless of the shape of the surfaces. Sometimes the cultivation of a variety under the same propagation contract is made on several parcels geographically distant from each other. In this case, the application automatically calculates the total area of ​​the different parcels. Distances can also be measured using the rule provided.

In addition, you can add GPS points on the map, to locate the tippers in which the crops will be deposited. When the time comes, the drivers will use a QR code to launch their favorite GPS and go to the right place, to take delivery of the crops, in complete safety.

You are here

As soon as data is added to the card, it is automatically and instantly linked to the data present in the iGus ERP. Thus, two operators can work simultaneously on the same production plan: one uses the Production Plan screen in the ERP, the other the Mapping application.